There are many ways to take a screenshot in macOS (previously Mac OS X), but all of the well-known options give you a drop shadow in the picture when snapping application windows. If you use the Comma ...

I just opened my excel file on my phone, which I was sent to the mail for work. The file is frozen and now, when opening, an error about an unknown format comes out. I tried to restart the application ...

I didn't use the newest version, because I was used to it and thought it was more convenient in my work, but recently it began to give me a lot of mistakes during my work, which forced me to update th ...

I have a MacBook pro, connected to my neighbours' wifi...How i can redirect the https/http traffic to another website *if i visited youtube.com it is will change to yahoo.com ...

Apple has a built-in way to protect you from opening up potentially malicious apps on your computer in Mac OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks, Yosemite, El Capitan, and macOS Sierra. This setting, na ...

There's a new macOS vulnerability that hackers within physical reach of your computer can use to gain root access to your system and accounts. Just by using "root" as the username and a blank password ...

While it hasn't gotten as much attention as iOS 10, Apple's big 10.12 update to their Mac operating system is finally out for all to enjoy—and you can download it for free from the Mac App Store right ...

Quick Look, first introduced in 2007, is an instant preview feature on the Mac operating system that lets you view files and folders without opening them up. Just highlight a file, like a picture or t ...

When was the last time you restarted or shutdown your Mac? In the post-iPhone era, most devices are now powered on almost constantly. For better or for worse, the computing landscape has accommodated ...

When Apple wanted to bring their Notification Center to Mac OS X, I loved the idea. But after using it since its integration in Mountain Lion, it's been more annoying and distracting than anything. Mo ...