How To: Bought an iPad 3 in the Last 30 Days? You Could Get a Free iPad 4 Upgrade

Bought an iPad 3 in the Last 30 Days? You Could Get a Free iPad 4 Upgrade

The announcement of the iPad 4 has made a lot of third-generation iPad owners very angry. After all, it's only been seven months since the third one was released, and it's now "obsolete." If you bought one really recently, though, you could be in luck. Some Apple stores will offer a free upgrade to the iPad 4 for customers who bought a third-generation iPad in the last 30 days.

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According to CNET, a rep from an Apple store in San Francisco confirmed that her store would be offering an exchange. She said that it's up to local stores to decide whether or not to participate, but if you paid a few hundred bucks for a shiny new third-generation iPad, it's definitely worth calling stores in your area to check into.

Now, the people who are going to be really pissed off are the ones who bought theirs 31 days ago! Has anyone checked into this yet? Is your local store participating? Let us know in the comments.

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