How To: Fix OS X Lion's Reverse 2-Finger Scroll So You Can Scroll Normally (Not Backwards)

Fix OS X Lion's Reverse 2-Finger Scroll So You Can Scroll Normally (Not Backwards)

So you just upgraded your Mac to OS X Lion and it greeted you, not with a friendly welcome video as Snow Leopard did, but instead with a tiny clip informing you that the Apple powers that be, have decided to reverse the 2-finger scroll direction, without even asking if you'd like to!

Now, whenever you try to scroll down, you'll find yourself scrolling up, and whenever you try to scroll up, the page will zip off in the opposite direction. Who knows why Apple made such a bone-headed decision in setting this as the default, but you can rest easy as there is a simple way to fix it.

Step 1 Open System Preferences

How to Fix OS X Lion's Reverse 2-Finger Scroll So You Can Scroll Normally (Not Backwards)

Step 2 Click the "Trackpad" Option

How to Fix OS X Lion's Reverse 2-Finger Scroll So You Can Scroll Normally (Not Backwards)

Step 3 Uncheck the "Scroll direction: natural" Option

If you don't see the "Scroll direction: natural" option, you may need to click on the "Scroll & Zoom" Tab at the top first.

How to Fix OS X Lion's Reverse 2-Finger Scroll So You Can Scroll Normally (Not Backwards)

Step 4 Breathe Easy

Why Apple didn't provide an option to opt-out of this unintuitive "feature" during the setup process is beyond me. At least now you can navigate your computer as you're used to, leaving you free to forgive and forget this user experience misstep.

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Photo by Anonymous Account


I'm not sure I like some of these iOS-like additions. I don't particularly want my computer to be an iPad. But it's probably not that bad. Still, I'll wait and see how many more of these little annoying quirks pop up in Lion before I install. This is the first time I haven't been in a rush to upgrade to the newest version of Mac OS X!

It turns out that installing Lion currently has a terrible bug where it corrupts your non-OS-X partitions on the disk. So if you run Windows on your Mac, make sure you back everything up as chances are you'll loose everything after the upgrade.

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