I have been wanting to share this great menubar app for a long time now (2+ years), but I really didn't know where. Just looking at Mac How-To World made me think to post it here.
On to the app! You Control: Tunes is a freeware application that allows you complete control over iTunes from the Mac OS X menu bar. Essentially, you don't have to stop what you're doing to click in and out of the iTunes application; instead, you can simply pull down a customizable menu from the menubar that gives you access to everything you need.
The menubar app shows, when idle, a previous button, a play button, and a forward button.
You can add custom artwork, or use the 50+ choices they have:
As you can see, I chose the hollowed out one, but there are MANY more choices.
When you download You Control: Tunes, you set up everything from the menubar and never have to do anything again. You can choose left/right menubar icon, what it should be titled, the icon, hot key for it, the font, really anything. That's what I love about this app, and frankly anyone who I show it to.
In the "About You" tab as you can see above, you just have to put in some basic information and they send you a FREE license! (Don't worry they never send you annoying emails either).
You can control what song to play, go through playlists, rate songs, anything. It has a scrolling title that covers the controls at the start of a song, and even an overlay that you can place anywhere on the screen. Well, it's easier to describe in pictures than words so I'll post a bunch below. Also, scroll down for a video walkthrough from YouTube user EverythingApple7. Hope you guys like it.
Check it out, and download here. They actually have a ton of other "You Control" software as well. (Paid License, though).

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